Monday, April 30, 2012


Congkak (pronounced CHONG-kak) is a game played on a wooden boat-shaped block with two rows of seven circular holes and two large holes at both ends called "home".
The game begins with seven game pieces (shells, marbles, pebbles or seeds) in each hole except "homes" which remain empty. Congkak requires two players. Each player controls the seven holes on his side of the board and owns the "home" to his left. The goal is to accumulate as many pieces in your own "home".
Initial position

On a turn, a player removes all pieces from one of the seven holes on his side. He then distributes them clockwise --- one in each hole to the left of this hole --- in a process called sowing. Sowing skips an opponent's "home" but not a player's own "home".

If the last piece falls into an occupied hole then all the pieces are removed from that hole, and are sown in the same way (clockwise from that hole) in another round. This player's (current) turn ends when the last piece falls into an empty hole on the opponent's side.

  • If the last piece sown falls into a player's own "home" then ...

    ... the player earns another turn, which can begin at any of the seven holes on his side.
  • If the last piece sown falls into an empty hole on his side then ...

    ... the player captures all the pieces in the hole directly across from this one, on the opponent's side and put them (plus the last piece sown) in his own "home". If the opposing hole is empty, no pieces are captured.
The other player chooses which hole he wishes to start from, removes the pieces and sows them - one in each hole, clockwise from that chosen hole. If a player has no pieces on his side of the board when it is his turn, then he must pass.

The game ends when no pieces are left in any hole on both sides of the board. The players now count the number of pieces in their own "home" and see who has won.
This game is also played in other southeast asian countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines where it is known as "Sungka".

Type of Congkak !!

Click here on How To Play Congkak ! Happy Playing ! :D

WAU - Giant Flying Kites

The arrival of the game "Wau" in Malaysia is uncertain validity. date and origin. However, according to historian Clive Hart, the kite in Malaysia comes from China. This is because the design and features kite in Malaysia have in common with traditional kites from China.
Kites in the past using a wide leaves. Possible evolution of the kite in Malaysia are also absorbing cultural elements from China where the Malaysia-China relations have been going on since the Greek era.
The possibility of the word comes from the word Chinese kites Hokkien (Fujian). The word for "Wau" in the Hokkien dialect is 'ao' in northern Malaysia

Games kites, also known as "Wau" is an activity of flying kites inthe air. The word "wau" said derived from the Malay kingdom ofPattani (Thai) view of the state like Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlisand Kedah use of the word.
The word kite is used in many states like the west coast andsouth of Peninsular Malaysia such as Selangor, Malacca andJohor. This can be evidenced by notes that Lana Tun Seri RajaAhmad said that the kite to play with the young men and royal family. Besides the appearance of a name is also associatedwau sound resulting from the arc which is tied to the kite. Whenraised into the air, the leaves are mounted on the bow ibus will produce the sound "Wau" a rhythmically.
Games wau held as entertainment for all ages. Games were also held for the kite contest. See a beauty contest that is measured in terms of beauty of form, pattern creation, color,origin of creation and size.

Very Unique isn't it ? 

the sketching

The process in the making of "WAU"

Tadaa ! The final result :D Let's fly the Giant Flying kite now !

"Sepak Takraw" - Kick Volleyball


'Sepak Raga' was the name of an ancient game played in the Malay states and in the neighbouring countries of Singapore and Brunei. 'Sepak' is Malay for "kick" and 'Raga' is the "rattan ball" used in the game, which involved players standing in a circle keeping the 'Raga' in the air for as long as possible without using their hands. Variations of this were played in other Southeast Asian countries too; in Thailand it was called "Takraw", in the Philippines, "Sepa Sepa", in Myanmar, "Ching Loong", in Indonesia, "Rago" and in Laos, "Kator".
Earliest evidence shows that the game was played in Malacca (Melaka), Malaysia's most historical city, in the 15 century, for it is mentioned in the famous Malay historical text, "The Sejarah Melayu" (Malay Annals). However, the game had undergone a significant change by the mid-1930s. In 1935, in the Malaysian State of Negeri Sembilan, during the Silver Jubilee celebration of King George V, 'Sepak Raga' was played on a badminton court over the net with players on both sides. Both badminton and 'Sepak Raga' rules were combined to form a new, very exciting game. Because the game was introduced during the Jubilee celebration, it was known as 'Sepak Raga Jubilee'.
It is not clear, but most probably, the game then gained popularity in Negeri Sembilan and spread to the other states. During World War II, the game developed rapidly in Penang. In the years after World War II right up to the early 'fifties', it was possible to see the game played in rural areas and towns all over the country - especially in areas where the Malay population was quite large.
It is believed that the development of modern Sepaktakraw is mainly due to three persons from Penang. In February, 1945 a net (Jaring) and rules similar to volleyball was introduced by Hamid Maidin. He had invited Mohamad Abdul Rahman (the best player with Raga Bulatan - or Circle Game) and Syed Yaacob to try his new twist on 'Net Sepak Raga'. They loved it because of the faster pace, the different styles of kicking and the higher standard of athleticism that it demanded.
The first official competition was held at a Swim Club on May 16, 1945. Teams from Malay villages in Penang were among those that competed for the Nyak Din Nyak Sham Trophy. The game, at this juncture, became known as " Sepak Raga Jaring". From that point on, the game spread quickly throughout the rest of the Malay Peninsula and South East Asia. By the late 'fifties' the game was popular in most schools that had badminton courts. Soccer players usually played it since they could easily master the skills involved, which are similar to those used in soccer. Sepak Raga associations had formed in various Malaysian states by this time as well.
The Malaysian Sepak Raga Federation was founded at a conference held at the Community Hall in Penang, June 25, 1960. Delegates from Kedah, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Penang attended. The first President was Mr. Mohd Khir Johari. Later the same year, representatives from various Southeast Asian counties met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital city, to establish a standard set of rules and regulations for the game. To promote the game further in Malaysia, an inter-state competition was organised in 1962. Penang became the first holder of the Khir Johari Gold Cup. By then, Sepak Raga Jaring (Sepak Raga Net) had become one of the more popular games in the country, and today modern Sepaktakraw is Malaysia's national sport.
The prime opportunity to create more international recognition for the game came when Malaysia hosted the 1965 South East Asia Peninsular Games (SEAP Games, inaugurated in 1959). For the first time in the SEAP Games, this new sport was included as a medal event, but not before a lengthy discussion between Malaysian and Singapore delegates, on the one hand, and Laos and Thai delegates, on the other, with regard to the official name of the sport. The SEAP Games Committee eventually agreed that the sport would be known as "SEPAK TAKRAW". Sepak means "KICK" in Malay and Takraw means "WOVEN BALL" in Thai. Also in 1965, the Asian Sepaktakraw Federation (ASTAF) was formed to govern the sport in Asia, then in 1992 the International Sepaktakraw Federation (ISTAF) was formed as the world governing body for the sport.
Sepaktakraw has been on the move, being a medal event in the larger "Asian Games" held in Beijing, 1990, in Hiroshima, 1994 and in Bangkok, 1998. Women's events were introduced for the first time in an international tournament in 1997 at the Xlll King's Cup Sepaktakraw World Championships in Thailand. "Cirlce Sepak Takraw" (where 5 players who stand in a circle receive different levels of points for each successful passing kick - actually a modification of an earlier game that was popular in Thailand called Hoop Takraw), was introduced for the first time in the 1998 Asian Games. Also, making history in 1998, Sepak Takraw was introduced as a demonstration event in the Commonwealth Games held in Kuala Lumpur - seen for the first time in a non-Asian, international sporting event! Now there are enthusiasts in some 20 countries around the world that are playing Sepak Takraw.
                      How to play this games
 This game started with one of the players toss the ball to his hand. His friend that will fondle the ball with his foot once or several times, before the kick to the other players. The players that make up the environment or the circle must be rotation-rotation fondle the ball and control it from falling to the ground. If the ball falls, the game in the round ended.
the ball

the players giving a service

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Batu Seremban

Batu Seremban also known as Selambut or Serembat game. Often played in this lapang.Permainan time played by a female child, either individually or in pairs. It is played in groups of two to four people or more.

Usually it uses glass marbles, rubber seeds, small stones or pieces of objects with rounded lai. Number of commonly used of the five seeds. Objects are known as fruit.

In Batu Seremban play, there are several stages or different ways of celebrations.Starting with a simple first stage by using a fruit called fruit until kepadaperingkat a higher or highest levels of 
seven named.

                                         The old version of "Batu Seremban"


                                                the latest of batu seremban

Give it a try !

asking how to play it. 



Traditional games were capable of forming a part of life experienced by our ancestors. The main thing that ensures the continuity of traditional games in the past is the consistency of our ancestors' way of life. Traditional games are also known as games. Some of these games are now not played yet, but is only known by their parents and our grandparents only. But some are still played again by children today. Among the games included, pride, kites, stones, football sports tops and others.

Example of traditional games:-