Sunday, April 29, 2012

Batu Seremban

Batu Seremban also known as Selambut or Serembat game. Often played in this lapang.Permainan time played by a female child, either individually or in pairs. It is played in groups of two to four people or more.

Usually it uses glass marbles, rubber seeds, small stones or pieces of objects with rounded lai. Number of commonly used of the five seeds. Objects are known as fruit.

In Batu Seremban play, there are several stages or different ways of celebrations.Starting with a simple first stage by using a fruit called fruit until kepadaperingkat a higher or highest levels of 
seven named.

                                         The old version of "Batu Seremban"


                                                the latest of batu seremban

Give it a try !

asking how to play it. 


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